
Square Enix Considering a DLC For Final Fantasy 16 Based on Player Demand

  1. What were Square Enix’s initial plans regarding DLC for Final Fantasy XVI, and how have they potentially changed based on fan reactions and the game’s positive reviews?
  2. How did Square Enix’s stance on a Day One patch for Final Fantasy XVI shift, and what implications does this change have for the possibility of future DLC content for the game?

Square Enix has reversed its stance on adding DLC to Final Fantasy XVI. Earlier this year, Square Enix had stated that there were no plans to include additional content, but the company is now actively considering the possibility.

“As you know, going into FFXVI, the one thing we wanted to do is create a full complete story, something you can enjoy from beginning to end one hundred percent without any DLC. But I think we were able to do that,” producer Naoki Yoshida said in a new interview.

“But now we understand that we’re getting feedback from players that have played the game and a lot of players want to see more and we know that and understand that,” he continued. “For us, we’re taking that and then thinking about our options moving forward, so hopefully in the near future we can have something that we can give to you all.”

“But now we understand that we’re getting feedback from players that have played the game and a lot of players want to see more and we know that and understand that,”


Square Enix going back on their plans to develop a DLC for FInal Fantasy 16

In May, director Hiroshi Takai stated that there were no current plans for DLC in FFXVI, and Square Enix was observing fan reactions before making any further commitments.

Despite initially stating that there would be no Day One patch, Square Enix later released one for FFXVI. But with the game receiving positive reviews, there is now a possibility for additional DLC content to be considered.

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