To address a new issue with Helltide Chest drops, Blizzard has taken the temporary measure of disabling the six uber unique items in Diablo 4.
In the update released on July 6 (Diablo 4 version 1.0.4), uber unique items were introduced into the loot pool of Helltide Chests. Helltide Mystery Chests contain these uber unique items, which can be obtained by participating in Helltide events.
Players searching for the rarest items in Diablo 4, including the six super rare uniques, expressed their satisfaction with this change. They had previously voiced their frustration with the meager drop rates, comparing the odds to winning the lottery or being struck by lightning.
The inclusion of the chance to obtain an uber unique Diablo 4 from a Helltide Chest, however slight it may be, providing players with a clear and focused objective for farming.
To address an unnamed issue with Helltide Chest drops, Blizzard has taken the sudden action of completely disabling the super rare unique items from dropping in-game. This decision was made to rectify the problem promptly and ensure a smooth gameplay experience.
“Players will not be able to obtain the six uber unique items until a hotfix which we expect to be implemented on Friday afternoon Pacific Time,” Blizzard said. “Other unique items will still be available from these chests.”
“Players will not be able to obtain the six uber unique items until a hotfix which we expect to be implemented on Friday afternoon Pacific Time,”
Players want uber unique items in Diablo 4 to come back

Blizzard has not explained the decision. Still, fans are speculating that the developer took notice of the six super rare uniques dropping more frequently than intended and swiftly took action to remove them from the game.
Among these uniques, the Harlequin Crest, also known as the Shako, seems to have experienced a significant increase in its drop rate.
We have temporarily disabled Uber Uniques from dropping in-game while we address an issue with Helltide Chest drops. For more information please check our forums
— Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) July 7, 2023
“Yeah I couldn’t believe my eyes that I actually got one,” said redditor HistoricalDuty3834, who posted a picture of the Harlequin Crest on their character sheet. “I opened up a Helltide Chest with about 10 seconds left in it and was scrambling to take a pic for my friends I was playing with.”
Some players are now urging Blizzard to initiate a rollback of the Shakos acquired from Helltide Chests to maintain balance in the player-versus-player aspect of Diablo 4. With an upcoming fix scheduled for Diablo 4, it won’t be long before the super rare uniques become obtainable from Helltide Chests again, albeit with revised drop rates.
Also Read: Diablo 4 player becomes the first to get super rare loot Andariel’s Visage