Video Games

How to Get The Rubber Armor Set in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, there are various armor sets Link can obtain to enhance his abilities. One of these is the Rubber Armor Set, which offers electrical resistance. Here’s how to get the Rubber Armor Set.

The Rubber Armor Set can be found in the Wahgo Katta Shrine located in the Kokiri Forest region. This shrine is shaped like a frog statue and is accessible fairly early in the game.

To enter the shrine, hit the frog statue’s glowing green eyes with an arrow to reveal a hole that Link can climb into. Once inside the shrine, you’ll have to navigate through a series of electrical traps.

Dodging Electromagnetic Oases

The first part of the shrine involves dodging several Electromagnetic Oases that emit electrical waves. Simply run past these oases to avoid getting shocked.

Defeating the Electric Chuchu

Next, you’ll come across an Electric Chuchu that emits electrical pulses. Defeat it using fire arrows or bombs to disable its electrical field.

Getting the Chest Key

After defeating the Electric Chuchu, a Chest Key item will appear. Grab this key to unlock the chest containing the Rubber Armor Set.

In conclusion, by navigating the Wahgo Katta shrine and overcoming its electrical traps and enemies, players can obtain the Rubber Armor Set. This armor offers electrical resistance, making it useful against certain enemies and hazards in Tears of the Kingdom.

Where to Find the Rubber Armor in Tears of the Kingdom

Find the Rubber Armor in Tears of the Kingdom

To obtain the Rubber Armor, head to Whistling Hill Cave located just above Teniten Shrine. Make your way to the base of the cliff where you’ll find a cluster of breakable rocks. Use a hammer, bomb, or bomb arrows to smash through the rocks and reveal the cave entrance.

Inside the cave, you’ll encounter some Electric Keese – a reminder of why the Rubber Armor is so useful against electric foes. Continue forward through the cave, slicing through vines until you drop down a hole. At the bottom, defeat three waiting Bokoblins.

Climb up a ledge on your left using Tears of the Kingdom’s Ascend ability. Here a Rock Like will spit boulders at you from above. Dodge the boulders and wait for it to shoot 3 rocks before making a run past it. Alternatively, attack its exposed stomach when it opens its mouth to defeat it.

Beyond the Rock Like, smash a cluster of rocks using nearby Bomb Flowers to reveal a room with a Shock Like. Defeat the Shock Like then smash another cluster of rocks behind it using Bomb Flowers or by throwing the flowers.

Enter the room beyond where you’ll find the chest containing the coveted Rubber Armor. Once you’ve opened the chest and acquired the armor, use Ascend to exit Whistling Hill Cave easily.

The electrical resistance of the Rubber Armor will come in handy against foes like the Electric Keese and Shock Like you encountered on your quest to obtain the armor.

Also read :

What are the benefits of the Rubber Armor?

The Rubber Armor offers electrical resistance, making it useful against electrical enemies and hazards.

Where is the Rubber Armor located?

The Rubber Armor is located in the Wahgo Katta Shrine in the Kokiri Forest region.

How do you enter the Wahgo Katta Shrine?

You hit the frog statue’s glowing green eyes with an arrow to reveal a hole that Link can climb into to enter the shrine.

What challenges does the shrine have?

The shrine has electrical traps in the form of Electromagnetic Oases that emit electrical waves and an Electric Chuchu enemy that emits electrical pulses.

How do you defeat the Electric Chuchu?

You can use fire arrows or bombs to disable the Electric Chuchu’s electrical field and defeat it.

What item do you get after defeating the Electric Chuchu?

After defeating the Electric Chuchu, a Chest Key item appears that you can use to unlock the chest containing the Rubber Armor Set.

What does the Rubber Armor look like?

The article does not describe the appearance of the Rubber Armor Set in detail.

Is the Rubber Armor useful in the game?

Yes, the Rubber Armor’s electrical resistance will be useful against certain enemies and hazards in Tears of the Kingdom.

Where else can electrical resistance be useful?

The electrical resistance will likely be useful in other areas with similar electrical traps and enemies as players progress through the game.