
Numberle is a logic puzzle game similar to Wordle and Worldle where you have to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100 in 6 tries. The game will give you hints after each guess to help you figure out the number.

How to Play Numberle

1. The game will present you with a 6×6 grid. Each cell represents a guess.

2. Type in a number between 1 and 100 in the first cell and hit enter.

3. The game will give you clues about your guess:

– 🟡 means the digit is correct but in the wrong position
– ⬛ means the digit is incorrect

4. Based on the clues, type in your next guess in the next cell, and press enter.

5. Continue guessing until you either guess the correct number or run out of guesses.

6. After completing a puzzle or guessing incorrectly, you can click “Play Again” to start a new round.

Numberle Tips

– Start with a guess in the middle like 50. This will elimnate numbers both above and below quickly.
– Try to guess a number with different digits at first to narrow down the possibilities.
– As you get closer, guess numbers with the same digits in different positions to find the exact number.

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