League of Legends

What is a URF? the Best URF Champions in League of Legends

The new edition of URF will be part of patch 11.19, the last update prior to Worlds 2021. Let’s check the details.

What is a URF?

Ultra Rapid Fire (U.R.F.) is a Featured Game Mode played on Summoners Rift where all champions get to use their abilities more often and matches usually last 20 minutes or less. All players start the game with an aura that adds many adjustments to how the game is played.

The two main highlights are 300 Ability haste, (equivalent to 75% cooldown reduction), and the removal of all mana and energy costs from using abilities. The game mode alternates between All Random and Blind Drafts, depending on which one Riot would like to run.

This very popular game mode takes place two times a year. As the name describes, it is a battle where champions have extremely reduced cooldowns and a way to teleport to the battle in the form of a Catapult. Mana and Energy also regenerate to the point where players can spam abilities non-stop.

URF battles still take place on Summoner’s Rift, but they’re far from a normal game. In this mode, players can pick any champions they like. Nonetheless, being a very fast game mode, those champions performing better in the early game have a clear advantage.

Our recommendation is to have as much fun as you can, as it certainly isn’t well balanced to any degree (nor should it be, really). The mode will run during the entire duration of Worlds 2021 and come back to rest after the Finals – so don’t miss your chance to try it out!

League of Legends’ URF mode makes a comeback in 2022 for Patch 11.19 

Ultra Rapid Fire, known as URF, has returned to the League of Legends client for the World Championship update, Patch 11.19.

Players will choose their favorite champions and spam their abilities faster than usual when playing in one of League’s most popular game modes.

When starting a game of URF, players will see the Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing over their champion bar. This buff is exclusive to a few game modes in League and grants every summoner 100 percent of mana and energy consumption reduction along with half of the health costs on abilities.

What is URF in League of Legends?

URF is a game mode in League of Legends where players get to play without mana restrictions and low cooldowns. The mode debuted back on April Fools’ Day in 2014 and returned again in 2015. Since then, it has become one of their rotating game modes and there have also been several changes to attempt to balance it out.

URF takes place on Summoner’s Rift and each team gets bans, like in a standard game. There are notable changes as early as Champion Select, however. Players cannot choose the Teleport Summoner Spell and there is no draft pick.

The Rules

Once you’ve loaded in, that’s where the real fun begins. Every Champion has 80% Cooldown Reduction on Abilities, Items, and Summoner Spells. Players also have no mana or energy restrictions, so we can all be cool like Riven. In addition to this, every Champion has 25% tenacity, 60 bonus Movement Speed, 25% increased Critical Strike Damage, and bonus attack speed (1.5 times on melee Champions and 2x on ranged).

There is also the Champion Cannon, which is a cannon by each team’s spawn that will shoot a Champion to a certain spot on the map. This helps with getting to lane faster and can create for some cool ganks and plays.

Here’s a tier list of the best Urf champions in League of Legends

League of Legends’ hyper-fast, fan-favorite rotating game mode Ultra Rapid Fire, or URF, has returned. Here’s a breakdown of our best picks for the mode.

We’ll only be covering the best of the best champions for our URF tier list. We’ll break down the best-performing characters by role and give you some insight into exactly what makes them so overpowered in URF.

Best top lane champion: Fiora

Fiora is first on our list of exceptionally powerful champions from the top lane. As one of the games’ premiere duelists already, Fiora thrives with short cooldowns.

Being able to spam her Q to dash around in lane, automatically striking enemy champions to chase them down is a huge buff for her. It also allows her to shred through turrets, making her a potent threat in skirmishes and side lanes.

Still, be careful about using her riposte since so much damage gets thrown around in URF that you can get detonated before it comes back up.

Best mid lane champion: Malzahar

Malzahar’s the strongest mid lane champion in Urf, with a staggering 57.85% win rate. His uncontestable wave clear with increased voidlings alone makes him terrifying. On top of shoving in every wave, Malzahar will be able to repeatedly silence enemies with his E.

Between the steady stream of otherworldly minions and the inability to cast your spells, those fighting him will quickly become frustrated. Malzahar spikes especially hard at level 6, at which point he’ll have a long-range suppress readily available in most engagements.

Best jungle champion: Xin Zhao

While having a dedicated jungler in URF isn’t the norm, there’s plenty of champions that jungle on Summoner’s Rift that become terrors during Ultra Rapid Fire. Master Yi might be the first to come to mind but it’s Xin Zhao that tops the charts for best performing jungler in URF.

Much like Fiora, Xin relies on his gap-closer and auto-attack-focused kit in order to excel. With an incredibly low cooldown dash, empowered auto-attacks all the time, and a knock-up, Xin Zhao is terrifying. Finally, his ultimate allows him to get out of sticky situations with much more regularity than normal. While you’re more likely to be playing him in a lane, Xin Zhao’s URF clear speed is so fast, you could probably jungle with him.

Best marksman champion: Kai’Sa

Many marksmen make a poor transition to URF, relying on auto-attacks in an ability-focused game mode. The highest win rate champion URF, however, is a marksman.

Kai’Sa suffers from long cooldowns and pronounced windows of weakness in normal Summoner’s Rift gameplay. In URF, Kai’Sa is able to spam abilities with impunity, shredding waves and health bars alike. Another benefit is the now-niche AP Kai’Sa build that dominated pro play for a while is excellent in URF. The Daughter of the Void seems to be the most consistently powerful champion that League has to offer in URF.

Best suppport champion: Yummi

Lastly are the supports. While many engage-focused supports can be annoying in URF, it’s enchanters that take the cake for most souped-up subclass. At the head of this pattern is League of Legends’ most niche enchanter, Yuumi.

Yuumi has the ability to stick onto another powerful URF champion, speed them up, and spam heals. This can make already-threatening champions like Fiora or Xin Zhao into unstoppable forces of nature. While the Yuumi player might not have to accomplish anything mechanically mindblowing, the effects are staggering.

What does URF mean in lol?

Ultra Rapid Fire, known as URF, has returned to the League of Legends client for the World Championship update, Patch 11.19. Players will choose their favorite champions and spam their abilities faster than usual when playing in one of League’s most popular game modes.

Is URF permanent now 2021?

The mode will run during the entire duration of Worlds 2021 and come back to rest after the Finals – so don’t miss your chance to try it out.

Why did they remove URF?

Because Riot doesn’t like people to have fun. Hence, they decide to remove the “fun” modes from All-Stars 2017 like Tandem mode, Assassin mode, etc.

Is URF back in the league?

Riot Games has brought back one of League of Legends’ most famous game modes: URF. Riot Games’ Reina Sweet, lead game designer of modes within League, confirmed on Twitter that the mode was indeed back and would be going live within the next update.

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