Who Are Valorant Controllers

Who Are Valorant Controllers? Who Is The Best Controller? How To Play Them?

Controllers are one of the four roles that agents are divided into in VALORANT. The abilities of agents under this role allow them to assist their teammates by cutting enemy vision, taking control of an area, and forcing enemies into choke points.

Valorant Controllers Agents Overview

Controllers are shepherds, best used by players who enjoy controlling what their enemies are doing and forcing them into making mistakes. As a controller, you tend to know what is going on in the whole game, not just around you. The best controllers know what the enemy is going to do before they do it themselves.

Brimstone, Omen, Viper and Astra excel at this, but be careful, you can get exposed to a flank more often than not if you are playing behind your team. You might not have time to Omen Shrouded Step (C) away and out of danger, or you might get caught in Astral Form (X) as Astra and die helplessly because of it.

There are 4 Controller agents in Valorant. Although their abilities may vary a bit, all Controller agents share the same gameplay style: smoking off and blocking enemy vision. You can check out each individual Controller agent here:

Astra | Brimstone | Omen | Viper
These agents’ importance is so big that you can notice their presence even with Valorant pros. Their tactics and strategies are universally the same, be it for attacking or defending. So let’s see how you should attack and defend with Controllers.

WHO Is The BEST CONTROLLER In Valorant – Valorant Role Guide, Tips and Tricks.

Astra: The Astral Radiant

Astra hails from Ghana and was added to Valorant during Act 2 of Episode 2. She is a master of the cosmos, capable of using stars to both attack and defend. Her iconic Astral Form is where she gets to do most of her damage and you’ll have to master it if you want to dominate your opponents.

Astral Form is Astra’s signature ability. This ability allows her to place stars and move around the map freely. You are ghosted in this form as you move around, but your body will still be in the spot you activated the ability from, leaving you vulnerable.

Omen: The Shadow Hunter

Omen is the unknown enigma in Valorant who has been playable since launch. No one knows who he is or where he comes from, but he’s one of the most fun Agents to play in the game. He does all of his work in the shadows with a focus on movement, vision blocking, and binding.

Omen’s basic abilities are Shrouded Step and Paranoia. Shrouded Step allows you to teleport a short distance. Keep in mind that your enemies will hear a noise when you do this, so you have to make sure you’re teleporting into cover. 

Viper: The American Chemist

The American Chemist Viper means business in Valorant and has been a part of the Agent lineup since day one. Viper has plenty of poisonous devices and she’s not afraid to use them. There’s a lot you need to know about Viper, including her passive abilities. 

Viper’s basic abilities are Snake Bite and Poison Cloud. Snake Bite is a deterrent ability. Viper shoots a canister that detonates when it contacts the floor, creating a small pool of acid for 6.5 seconds. 

How To Attack With Controllers In Valorant

The main purpose of Controllers when attacking is to smoke off enemy openings and angles properly. These angles are positions where the enemies are camping and waiting to pick off easy kills while you’re attacking. If they are smoked off, their vision is ruined, and they have to reposition to improper angles where you can either get easy control of the site with your teammates. A perfect example for a smoke when attacking would be placing it on Heaven in Haven.

Every Controller agent has some kind of smoke, so the rules of smoking apply to all of them. The above Brimstone smoke is an awesome setup for attacking. Using Viper’s Poison Cloud ability for smoking may be a bit harder though since you can’t select the exact position like with the other Controllers. This brings the point of lineups: if you plan on playing Controllers with Brimstone and Viper, learn your post-plant lineups. This can bring you easy round wins from far away, making it difficult for enemies to defuse the spike.

How to play Controller in Valorant?

When playing the Controller in Valorant, your role is essentially to create space for your team members to execute their strategy. It’s up to you to ‘slice up’ key areas, as the description of the role helpfully reminds you, and you do this by skillfully using your utility. As Brimstone and Omen, this means that you will be tasked with smoking off chokepoints. 

That means that as a Controller in Valorant, you’re supposed to be playing safer. You can’t run into a site by yourself first, because you hold within your hands the utility to expertly carve out a piece of the map and make it possible for your duelists to enter the site and only having to focus on one part of the map. If you die, all that utility goes to waste. The same goes for retakes. If you lose the bombsite, it’s crucial to have smokes and utility that you can use to make the map smaller, to allow yourself the chance to successfully retake a site.

Tips for playing Controller in Valorant

The best tip for both Viper and Brimstone is to learn your lineups. Both have Molotov abilities, which allows you to take a position far away from the site, and then either use a combination of your Molotov skill and your poison orb skill as Viper, or just a normal Molotov as Brimstone to defend the site from far away. Especially for these two agents, range is the name of the game.

Omen and Astra are a different breed of Controller in Valorant. For Omen, as he also has a flash, but no damage ability, he’s more likely to push up with his team to flash them in, smoke off chokepoints and also use his teleporting ability to confuse his enemies – and probably his teammates. 

Who is best controller in Valorant?

After Patch 4.04, Brimstone is the most picked Controller in the game.

Is controller good for Valorant?

Players who would like to plug an Xbox One or PS4 controller into their PC to play Valorant can do so without full support. The most optimal way to play the tactical shooter from the League of Legends developer is to utilize a mouse and keyboard, as players who use a controller will not be given any kind of aim-assist.

Is Viper a controller?

VALORANT Agents: Viper, a Controller from the USA.

Does Valorant have controller aim assist?

Valorant: No aim assist available to controller players, according to Summit1g. If you’re looking to use a controller in Valorant, you might want to reconsider. Valorant, Riot Games’ next big project, is starting to build plenty of hype – with the beta arriving on April 3.

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