archero ancient maze

The Ancient Maze is a recurring side chapter in Archero. It features a huge randomly generated map that you must navigate to reach the exit. Here are some tips for completing the Ancient Maze:

1) Focus on movement skills. Skills that increase movement speed or allow you to dash through walls are very useful in the maze. Gear that grants these skills will help you navigate the maze faster.

2) Bring a scythe. The long range and area of effect hitbox of a scythe is ideal for clearing clusters of enemies in the maze. Other weapons can work but a scythe is highly recommended.

3) Prioritize unlocking doors over fighting enemies. Many paths in the maze are blocked by doors that you must unlock by killing enemies.Unlock doors as quickly as possible to open up more pathways.

4) Use the minimap. The small minimap in the bottom right corner shows your entire location in the maze. Refer to it often to locate doors, progress towards the exit, and avoid doubling back.

5) Avoid dead ends. Some sections of the maze offer no progress towards the exit, so try to filter out pathways that don’t lead anywhere useful.

6) Don’t get lost. Lay down “breadcrumbs” by activating lights or breaking boxes as you go to help retrace your path if you get turned around.

7) Consider rerolling the map. If you get stuck in a particularly confusing section of maze, you can exit and restart to generate a new maze layout.

8) Take your time. There is no timer in the maze, so move at a comfortable pace. Rushing often leads to mistakes and getting turned around.

Following these tips should help you navigate the Ancient Maze more efficiently in Archero. The most important things are prioritizing unlocking doors, using your minimap, and considering rerolling the map if you get lost or stuck.

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