where in fortnite geoguessr

Fortnite has become a global phenomenon for both its action-packed battle royale gameplay and vibrant, changing world. Recently, a fun twist on the Fortnite world called Where in Fortnite Geoguessr has emerged. Here’s how it works and some tips to playing Where in Fortnite Geoguessr.

Where in Fortnite Geoguessr works similarly to the popular Geoguessr game. You are dropped into random locations within the Fortnite world and have to determine where you are based on visual clues. Your goal is to accurately “guess” or pinpoint your location on the Fortnite map.

The locations can be anywhere on the map from named POIs like Tilted Towers and Pleasant Park to random wilderness spots. Sometimes, you’ll be dropped into unique named locations added during specific seasons or events to give clues.

• Study the Fortnite map – The better you know the official Fortnite map, the easier it will be to place yourself. Frequent places like Tilted Towers, Snobby Shores, and Pleasant Park for reference.

• Look for named locations – Names of places will always be a dead giveaway for where you are. Even vague names like “Farm” can narrow it down.

• examine the buildings and terrain – The architecture and environment vary drastically around the Fortnite map. Use the buildings, geography, and greenery to determine your closest named location.

• Orient yourself using the sun – The time of day and sun position can help you determine the general compass direction you are facing to narrow down your location.