infernax walkthrough

Infernax is a challenging Metroidvania-style action platformer. The basic gameplay involves exploring a dark fantasy world, finding upgrades, and slashing your way through hordes of enemies.

The Story:

You play as a knight who has been cursed by a powerful demon. You must fight your way through hell to find a way to break the curse.


• You start off with a basic sword as your main weapon. You can also find and equip shields, maces, axes, and magic spells.

• You gain health and magic power-ups by defeating enemies.

• There are various types of enemies you’ll face – melee fighters, ranged attackers, armored foes, and large bosses.

• You’ll find armor and weapon upgrades hidden around the world to make yourself stronger.

• You’ll need to complete challenging platforming sections and puzzles to progress.

• You can unlock new abilities like a charge attack, dash, and double jump which allow you to access new areas.


• Start by thoroughly exploring the Forest of Fallen Heroes – defeat enemies, find chests and power-ups.

• Defeat the Forest Boss to gain the charge attack ability.

• Use the charge attack to break through barriers and access the Crypts of Gore.

• Find the double jump ability in the crypts to access higher areas.

• Gain the fireball spell from the Crypts Boss to burn wooden barriers.

• Continue finding abilities, weapons and armor to help you face increasingly difficult challenges.

• Eventually you’ll reach the final demon boss and face your ultimate curse.

General Tips:

• Explore every nook and cranny to find all the upgrades.

• Practice perfect dodges and parries to take less damage.

• Bosses have specific attack patterns you need to learn and openings to counter-attack.

Hope this basic Infernax walkthrough helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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