fortnite supply llama trials

The Supply Llama Trials are a series of quests in Fortnite’s Save the World mode. Here are the details:

– The Supply Llama Trials were introduced in Season 8 of Save the World.

– They consist of 10 quests that require you to complete various objectives, such as building structures, eliminating enemies, and interacting with supply lamas.

– Each quest awards XP and evolution materials upon completion.

– Completing all 10 quests rewards a special banner icon that displays a supply lama.

– The Supply Llama Trials replace the unfinished Rad Llama questline from previous seasons.

– The quests are fairly easy and aimed at newer Save the World players. They teach basic gameplay skills and reward useful items.

– However, some quests require retrieving items from supply lamas, which can be frustrating if you get bad rolls and don’t get the required items.

– The rewards, though useful, are not that substantial. The main incentive to complete the questline is the special banner at the end.

– The Supply Llama Trials are a good, self-contained questline for players who want to learn the basics of Save the World and earn some quick rewards.

– But for more advanced players, the quests may seem too easy and the rewards underwhelming.

So in summary, the Supply Llama Trials are an introductory questline in Fortnite Save the World that rewards players with XP, resources and a banner icon for completing a series of basic tasks. While helpful for newcomers, the quests may not offer much challenge for more experienced players.

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