elden ring malenia cheese

Here are some ways to potentially “cheese” (exploit weaknesses) Malenia in Elden Ring:

• Bleed Build – Malenia is extremely susceptible to bleed, so a bleed build can chunk large portions of her health, especially in Phase 2. Weapons like Rivers of Blood and Eleonora’s Poleblade work well.

• Frostbite – Similarly, applying the Frostbite status to Malenia also takes big chunks of her health. Weapons/Ashes of War that build Frostbite quickly can make the fight much easier.

• Spamming Ash of War – Some ash of war skills, like Hoarah Loux’s Earthshaker, deal massive damage and poise damage when spammed. This can stagger lock Malenia and deplete her health rapidly.

• Summoning Spirit Ashes – Using the Mimic Tear or other strong spirit ashes to draw Malenia’s aggro gives you opportunities to attack and heal. The Mimic Tear in particular can often finish the fight on its own.

• BHS (Bloodhound’s Step) – Although controversial, the Bloodhound’s Step ash of war allows you to dodge nearly all of Malenia’s attacks with ease. You can then chip away at her health slowly with attacks of opportunity.

• Infinite Flask of Wondrous Physick – By using the Flask Keeper’s Secret Medallion and Blessed Dew Talisman, you can make your Physick Flask last indefinitely for the duration of the fight. This grants infinite healing and status effect cures.

• Overleveling – Being significantly overleveled for the fight (at least level 150+) will make Malenia’s attacks deal negligible damage while your attacks still hit her hard. This essentially trivializes the challenge.

So in summary, exploiting Malenia’s weaknesses to bleed and frostbite, spamming powerful ashes of war, summoning the Mimic Tear, abusing BHS or being overleveled can all provide “cheesy” strategies to potentially defeat Malenia without experiencing her intended high difficulty. However, cheesing the fight denies you the satisfaction and bragging rights of overcoming her “legitimately.”

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