diversity space tool

The Diversity Space Tool is a resource created by The Difference to help organizations improve diversity, equity, and inclusion. Here are some key points about it:

• It’s a framework to help organizations assess where they are in their DE&I journey across four dimensions: Representation, Policies & Practices, Support Systems, and Identity.

• Each dimension has several indicators that organizations can measure themselves against to get a holistic view of their current state.

• Representation looks at the diversity of employees across levels and roles, as well as recruitment practices.

• Policies & Practices examines formal policies and procedures related to DE&I like non-discrimination policies, workplace accommodations, and training programs.

• Support Systems analyzes informal initiatives like employee resource groups, sponsorship programs, and allyship training.

• Identity focuses on the psychological safety and sense of belonging for individuals within the organization.

• Organizations can plot themselves on a matrix based on their scores for each dimension. This helps identify focus areas and priorities for improvement.

• The tool can be used for self-assessment, to set goals and monitor progress over time, and to evaluate the impact of DE&I initiatives.

• It provides a common language and framework for organizations to discuss DE&I, benchmark against industry peers, and share best practices.

• The Diversity Space Tool helps make DE&I efforts more strategic, data-driven, and integrated into the wider culture and functioning of an organization.

In summary, the Diversity Space Tool provides a useful framework for organizations to comprehensively assess their current state, identify gaps, and form an action plan to advance diversity, equity and inclusion. The four dimensions and indicators can serve as a starting point and guide for any DE&I journey.

  • What is Diversity Space Tool? How does this tool work?

    What is Diversity Space Tool? How does this tool work?

    Earlier this week, Activision Blizzard published a post on their website about their “Diversity Space Tool“. Developed by subsidiary King, it’s a tool for rating video game characters along certain axes in order to rate their relative diversity. Several people then pointed out that sounded mildly dystopian. What is Diversity Space Tool The gaming industry…