diversity space method

Making Video Game Characters More Diverse and Inclusive

Creating diverse characters in video games is important for representation and inclusivity. Follow these guidelines to make your game’s characters more diverse and inclusive:

Avoid Stereotypes
Avoid relying on stereotypical portrayals of marginalized groups. Depict characters as complex individuals beyond their social identities.

Show Diverse Relationships
Include diverse family structures and relationships. Show marginalized characters in meaningful relationships, not just as stereotypical tropes.

Include Character Customization
Allow players to customize their characters with options for varying gender identities, body types, ethnicities, abilities, and ages. The more options, the better.

Employ Diverse Writers And Developers
Hire diverse writers, developers and consultants to shape authentic portrayals of marginalized identities. Intersectional representation is key.

Create Characters With Nuanced Identities
Show that characters have multiple dimensions to their identities beyond just their marginalized status. Focus on humanity, flaws and strengths.

Avoid Tokenism
Don’t include diverse characters only as a checkbox. Make sure they have meaningful stories, motivations and roles within the game’s narrative.

Avoid Negative Stereotyped Traits
Avoid attributing negative personality traits or abilities purely based on a character’s marginalized identity.

Portray Real-World Issues Thoughtfully
If tackling real-world issues like racism, ableism or discrimination, do so with nuance and care. Consider consulting marginalized communities.

Go Beyond Physical Representation
Representation goes beyond just what a character looks like. Focus on plotlines, character arcs, diverse experiences and power dynamics.

Reflect On Progress
Ask for feedback, reflect on opportunities for continuous improvement and openly admit when representations could have been done better. Making video game characters truly diverse and inclusive requires ongoing dedication. But getting it right can meaningfully impact players from all walks of life.

With these guidelines in mind, you can create more diverse and inclusive characters that authentically represent the world’s richness of humanity. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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