arknights material farming

Material farming in Arknights refers to the process of collecting various materials needed to upgrade and promote your operators. There are four main types of materials:


Chips – Used for the initial promotion of lower rarity operators. There are two chip types: chips and integrated devices.


• Battle Records – Used for higher promotions after the initial promotion. Comes in three tiers: battle records, high supply and alloy.


LMD – The in-game currency also needed for all upgrades and promotions.


Different operators require different combinations and amounts of these materials depending on their rarity and promotion level. For example:


• A 2-star operator needs chips to promote to 3 stars.

• A 5-star operator needs battle records and integrated devices to promote to 6 stars.


You obtain materials by:


• Completing story stages and annihilation missions

• Farming material drop stages

• Purchasing from the credit and certificate stores

• Getting chip catalysts from the base

• Redeeming event and login rewards


Farming refers to repeatedly running material drop stages to obtain the materials you need for your operators. Event stages typically have higher material drop rates, so players prioritize farming those maps when events are active.

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