Artificial intelligence

Will AI Completely Take Over the Marketing and Advertising Industry?

Undoubtedly, AI has become both a helper and a bane for many industries. Self-learning neural networks help analyze consumer demand and develop marketing strategies. AI-based chatbots have replaced workers who answered customer inquiries or handled restaurant and hotel bookings. AI now creates full-fledged commercials and actively targets customers with advertising. AI helps business owners achieve broader audience reach, make accurate forecasts, and cut budgets by reducing staff.

For workers in fields where AI is poised to displace them, it has become an enemy and an unwelcome innovation. For artists and content creators, AI is either a tool or an evident threat to their future. Let’s examine how large companies already use AI in their businesses and what “bright” prospects its development holds for marketers.

Using AI in Personalized Marketing Campaigns

Personalization has been a trend in marketing even before the active use of AI. Focusing on customers and understanding their desires and preferences is key to successfully selling any product or service. AI has broken the floodgates in this area, and now it’s hard to find a company that doesn’t use new developments. Netflix and Amazon actively use AI to analyze user data. It’s no secret anymore. Programs collect data about users, their preferences, time spent on the service, purchases, and subscriptions. Based on this, viewers are offered themed movies and subscription discounts. Amazon, in turn, analyzes purchases and suggests similar products. Moreover, based on collected data, streaming platforms plan their content schedules and commission films and series of the most popular genres.

AI has become something like an essay writing service for companies. Owners turn to it for help, asking it to compile a report on specific topics: consumer demand, number of subscriptions and cancellations, time analysis in various sections of the site, and much more. Like a good writer, the program collects data and provides a report on which future strategic decisions are based.

Reducing Advertising Costs With AI

Any successful business’s secret is creating a minimal-expense plan that yields the highest profit. AI has become an excellent assistant in this regard. Google uses AI for automatic targeting and bid adjustments. Smart Bidding, for example, analyzes all targeted signals in real time. The program sets the price for each ad display based on the data received.

Facebook has also implemented AI to improve ad targeting. The Lookalike Audiences system uses self-learning neural networks. They analyze the most loyal and profitable customers and look for similar partners with similar characteristics. Using AI in marketing is now a trending topic for research and student papers. Suppose you need to study this issue in more detail or research this topic. In that case, you can enlist the support of professionals, and check out a detailed essayusa review. This information will give you a complete picture of the services and assistance you can receive in your research work.

Analyzing Consumer Behavior With AI

AI helps not only digital giants like Google, Amazon, or Netflix. The world’s most famous coffee shop, Starbucks, also decided to jump on the successful bandwagon. Their Deep Brew platform uses AI to analyze customer data. Every order is entered into the system, and the program analyzes the popularity of its drinks and introduces personalized offers and promotions for specific stores in the chain.

The beauty company Sephora, in turn, uses algorithms to analyze its clients’ social media activity. By analyzing their public comments, Sephora offers personalized discounts and products that, according to the program’s analysis, the clients would like to purchase.

Content Creation and Using Generated Ideas

Large marketplaces have started using AI to populate their product pages. The platform uses AI to generate product descriptions. Programs also create advertising slogans and write analytical articles about the products being sold.

The computer company IBM has gone even further with its Watson development. This system can generate and create full-fledged advertising videos. Watson analyzes data on the target audience and current trends, based on which it generates ideas and proposes video content for promoting products.

Automatic Booking and Digital Customer Support

Many companies have replaced customer support staff with AI-based learning programs. They can recognize simple requests and answer the most frequently asked questions. The most striking examples of such chats are H&M and KLM.

The hotel company Marriott International, in turn, created the ChatBotlr chatbot, which helps guests book rooms, learn about hotel services, and leave reviews. On the one hand, it helps companies remove the human factor in the sphere, where incorrect answers can damage the image. On the other hand, the lack of personal communication may seem disrespectful to some customers and repel visitors. The system is still being tested, and, to all appearances, the company will not give up on innovations.

Ethics and Challenges of Using AI in Marketing

The more influential AI becomes in marketing and advertising campaigns, the more ethical issues arise. These are not only related to using intellectual property or generated content. Personal data is also at risk. Although AI can only use data from open sources, the ability of programs to systematize and collect vast amounts of information in one place is concerning. Memories of the major scandal with Cambridge Analytica four years ago are still fresh. At that time, over 100,000 documents were leaked, revealing manipulation of public opinion during elections.

Now, along with AI capabilities, safeguards are also being developed to prevent data leaks. However, no developer can provide guarantees.


AI has forever changed marketing, advertising, and service promotion. Large retail giants with substantial budgets use AI advantages to promote their services and sell products. In turn, the mass influx of generated advertising and artificial artistic works reduces human presence and makes all advertising content less personal. The main task developers will work on is finding the perfect balance in the coming years.