let me solo her build

“Let Me Solo Her” is a nickname for a player in Elden Ring who helps other players defeat the difficult Malenia boss fight.

Some more details:

– The player, whose real name is not known, created a character named “Let Me Solo Her”.

– Using this character, the player places their summoning sign outside Malenia’s boss fog wall to offer help to other players.

– The player essentially “solos” the Malenia fight while the summoning players stay back and avoid getting hit.

– The “Let Me Solo Her” player has become very skilled at fighting Malenia, being able to defeat her reliably even at higher New Game+ levels.

– Many players struggling with Malenia have summoned the “Let Me Solo Her” player for help, making them somewhat famous in the Elden Ring community.

– The “Let Me Solo Her” name has now become a meme, with other players creating similar characters to offer help on other difficult bosses.

So in summary, “Let Me Solo Her” refers to a player in Elden Ring who has mastered fighting the Malenia boss and helps other players by soloing the fight while they summon for assistance. The name has now become a well-known meme within the community.